Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm so tired!

Whew, what a day! Kayla and I are the only people in this house who are not sick at the moment and my goodness we've had a day. Poor Nicholas looks like a different child, his eyes are so swollen and goopy. Madelyn's voice is hoarse and her chest hurts. Mike came home from work and went straight to bed at 4pm. He was lucky enough to sleep til 7:30 and went back to bed at 9. Lucky him. One thing I really wanna know is, why I can't sleep like that when I'm sick!

On a good note, I managed to make my first ever sewing pattern that actually works! I had this dress for Maddie that we just love on her but it is very well loved and getting to be kind of worn out so I decided to make a copy of it. I traced and sewed and revised over and over again til I came up with something I like enough. The funny thing is that it looks nothing like the original but I like my version even better so yay for me! It takes 30 minutes to sew up completely but I do assembly line sewing and I had no time today so I have three half finished sundresses that I cannot wait to photograph tomorrow.

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