Thursday, February 26, 2009


Today is a happy day! My family has been battling a horrid stomach virus that basically trapped us in the house for the past 2 weeks. Normally, when one of the kids gets sick we keep the family quarantined until 24 hours has passed since the last time something nasty comes out of the last kid to have the illness. Today is a happy day because it has been 24 hours and now we can leave the house!

It's a beautiful day, so I forced the kids to play outside. I don't know why but apparently riding on bikes and swinging on swings is torture.....they'll get over it. Hopefully my neighbors don't call the authorities when they hear the kids yelling "Mom, please let us come in the house!" every 5 minutes from the back yard. At least, I hope they don't do it this week. The house is a wreck. It will take me at least a week to catch up after this illness.

Luckily the weather is nice and I can open some windows, kick the kids outside, strap the baby to my back, put on some music and get to cleaning and disinfecting.