Sunday, February 27, 2011

Benjamin is 3!!!

My little man turned three years old last week and I've been so busy getting ready for The Hope Project that I didn't have time to blog about it. He started out the day by eating breakfast at the table Maddie and I decorated for him. Then, he opened his presents- a plasma car, a Thomas the train board game, a motorcycle that does wheelies, and a large batch of new hotwheels cars.

After breakfast we decided to take the plasma cars to the park and the kids had a blast! We actually ended up with two of them because they were on sale and we wanted the other kids to have one to share. I have a feeling we'll end up buying another one very soon because they are just too much fun.

We had a picnic at the park, then visited Yogurt Mountain for the first time ever! YUMMY!

We attempted to visit the zoo (too crowded) and the Southern Museum of Flight (closed), but we ended up at one of our favorite places- the McWane Center.

Ben's dinner choice was hot dogs! I lucked out on his cake! My plan was to make him a plain sheet cake and decorate it, but I happend to find a Harley cake at Walmart and knew he'd love it more than anything I could create.

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