Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I lost 2 pounds!!!

Okay this might not seem like a big deal to you, but for me this is huge. Do you know why? Because I didn't even really try. Sure, I go to the gym about 3 times a week and I've made a committment to not eat after 7:30 pm, but that is IT! That is all I've been doing and I lost 2 pounds!!!!

I like going to the gym, because it gives my little ones a chance to play with some other kids for 2 hours or so, I get a break and if I can get my oldest daughter to come with me, we get some bonding time...well, not really but that's what I'm hoping for. Usually she slowly pedals on the bike next to me saying "can we go yet?" but hey, a mom can dream right?

I started 2006 weighing about 195 (205 if you ask the scale at Curves, but whatever) and I joined Curves. The problem with Curves is that they close at 7 and they don't have childcare, and they only have one type of training. So, I got sick of not going because my husband wasn't getting home in time to watch the kids and I cancelled my membership there and joined a women's only fitness center that has childcare for almost the same cost monthly. They have lots of different classes, all types of machines, including a circuit that is just like what I was doing at Curves. Besides that they have 5 tvs and 4 stereos, so you can plug in your headphones to whatever machine you are using, choose a channel and listen to tv or a cd that you bring form home. They even have a tanning bed and sauna and steam room which I don't use but it's nice to know they are there. Childcare is offered for 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the afternoon, so I can go without having to leave the house the second my husband gets in the door. They are open til 9, so even if I don't go during the day with the kids, I have time after they go to bed at night. I love it!

Anyway, back to what I was saying. I started the year at 195, managed to get down to 179 at one point this fall but with Thanksgiving, then a cruise a week later, then after the vacation Christmas....I was back up to almost 194 (193.8 to be exact). I was soooooo upset by this but decided to just try to do better.

On a message board that I'm a part of, we were challenged to not eat after 7:30 pm. I decided to take part, half thinking it wouldn't make a bit of difference anyway because I don't really have my head together enough to strictly follow any real diet. Since then I haven't had anything to eat past 7:30 and I weighed myself today at lo and behold the scale actually said 191!!!!!

Can I lose 50 pounds or more by just not eating past 7:30 and exercising 3 times a week? Probably not, but until I'm ready to jump into the South Beach diet (which I love because it really is perfect), this will be a good start.

1 comment:

BGK said...

Well, ok, a healthy weight is our FRIEND. I'm 30 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight from Caroline but I still fit into the same size -- 10 -- so I'm not being anywhere near as diligent as I should.

Nice to see you on blogger,