The ultrasound lady at my OB's office is my new best friend! Sure, I'm a crazy freak who is planning a homebirth, but I love my ultrasounds. Today we went in for our 2nd ultrasound to recheck a few things that didn't look right last time and suddenly this beautiful picture appeared on the screen! We weren't planning a 3D ultrasound but when the tech saw him in this position she decided it was time for us to get a better pic and so she flipped a switch and this is what we saw! I almost cried!!! I got to see him opening his little eyes and move his little fingers and it was so SWEET!!!
For the record, I always thought these pictures were creepy and never really saw the need to spend $100 for the 3D scan but you know what? When it's your kid you are looking at, it's darn cute!!!!